How Can Housing Nonprofits Use The Money From Donation Campaigns?

Nonprofit housing assistance donation campaigns allow nonprofits to raise money. Some donation campaigns are short-term projects designed to raise a lot of money very quickly. Other donation campaigns are ongoing and used to fund projects and services that benefit the community. Here are some of the wonderful and necessary projects that can result from the money generated through these campaigns: 1. Home Building A lack of affordable housing is an issue in many cities. [Read More]

Two Reasons To Donate To Build Schools In A Foreign Country

Giving to others is one of the most powerful things you could ever do. You never know who is in need and even if a person appears to be doing okay, they may have a pressing issue they don't know how they will solve. Donating on an individual level is great, but what if there was a way to make an even greater impact? Find out how you could potentially change the world by donating to build schools in a foreign country. [Read More]

What To Expect Before, During & After COVID-19 Plasma Donation

With the numbers of new SARS-CoV-2 infections continuing to rise, there is an urgent need for plasma donations from previous COVID-19 patients. Plasma from donors contains antibodies, which may help hospitalized patients fight the disease (COVID-19) caused by the virus (SARS-CoV-2). While recommendations for receiving plasma can change due to the learning processes that are involved during a pandemic, the recommendations for the act of giving plasma generally do not change. Here's what you need to know: [Read More]

3 Ways to Communicate With the Child You Sponsor

Once you decide to sponsor a child, you'll be eager to connect with this individual as often as you're able. Communicating with the child will not only allow you to see the difference that your sponsorship is having on his or her life but will also help you to better understand the child's living arrangements and daily challenges. Fortunately, there are many different ways that you can keep in touch with the child. [Read More]